Friday, January 29, 2010

Inappropriate BBMs, Vol. 1

"I'm throwing myself a pity party and I need for there to be penis in the goody bags."

*smooches...truly amazed at the conversations to which I'm privy*
my life is seriously better than TV sometimes!


Muze said...


i feel THAT.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

*dead* *dead again* *deader*

JACK said...


I concur. Penis Pity Parties rule!

D'Ven said...

Ha! I might put that on FB.

Unknown said...

uh oh...

The Jaded NYer said...

I'm taking orders...what flavor penis y'all want? lol

Eb the Celeb said...

there is nothing in appropriate about this BBM... i frequent these types of tirades and I love every second of it... you have been witness to several... and now that Karrie B is in my BBM it has gotten quite worse