Sunday, January 03, 2010

Jaded Photographs 2010: January Edititon


*smooches...just for Mari on her birthday*
everybody, you know what to do. Leave it in the comments!


Marielys said...

Yay I love it sooo much (with some embarassing exceptions)!

Tyrone said...

Happy birthday, Marielys. Bless your heart for having to deal with Jaded.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Aww, how special. Happy B-day to your sister!

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Aww, how special. Happy B-day to your sister!

Kelly said...

Here's a family favorite (from The Simpsons) ...

You're the birthday
You're the birthday
You're the birthday
Boy or girl!

Happy Birthday!!!

Minnie223 said...

Happy Birthday Dedi baby! I love you.

Eb the Celeb said...

that one of you though,... in the bottom right in the bikini... bwhahaahahahah too cute!