Friday, January 15, 2010

Just So That Pat Is Clear On The Facts...


is not what a deal with the devil looks like.


*smooches...wondering what Depp's terms are in his contract*
seriously- dude does not age. I'm concerned. And just a tad jealous.


Anonymous said...

*adds Sade to the list*


dejanae said...

u a mess

MsKayotic said...

Well damn! Girl I so hear you on this!

The F_Uitlist said...

Alright now! I love me some Johnny Depp but something is definitely up.

Don said...

I concur.

The Jaded NYer said...

@gem- oh it's an extensive list, because Dick Clark is holding on like no one's ever held on before!! lol

@dejanae- But I speak truth!

@lady k- can you forward it to Pat? lol

@the f$%k-it list- I've been watching him all these years and he's aging 20x slower than the rest of us. SUSPECT!

@don- of course, because I'm right.