Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things I Have To Remind Myself Of (part three)

It's not HIM you miss, it's the way he made you feel about yourself.

-Rebecca, one of The Voices

*smooches...practicing a little preemptive advice-giving*
I'm not missing anyone right now...just tryna make sure I don't take it there. I know me; I'll be upset about ONE thing, and it will quickly spiral into being upset about a bunch of other, unrelated things.


Tiffany S. Jones said...

Aaaah! Tell that heffa don't nobody need her to be coming with facts and examples.

Tyrone said...

Everyone needs to learn that at some point.

After a vow to stay away from relationships for two, maybe three years, I almost broke up two of my best friends. Yowza.

The F_Uitlist said...

I kind of like Rebecca. This is good advice.