Friday, February 05, 2010

For Those Who Could Not Be There

Thanks to the homie and fellow "freelancer" Video Vix[o]n, I have for you heifers the video of my reading from January 31st. It's a sampling of everybody's performance; hope you enjoy it!

New Voices Reading Series - 1.31.10 from Video Vix[o]n on Vimeo.

And please don't forget- we are still looking for a few good readers for the weekend of February 19th. The theme is The Life. The Struggle. The Experience. in honor of Black History Month. Contact us at:

*smooches...just for Vixon today, for all his hard work*
and of course- hugs and sweet kisses to my fellow writers and poets who got up there and did the damn thang. OWWWWW!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

I hate I missed it. I can't wait for you guys to put together a book of some sort *hint, hint. nudge, nudge*
You did great, stop being your own worst critic mmkay? Dang! said...

Yo - that was dope.. You're right btw - your hair did look great - but why the name change?

Hope I can make the next one. Congrats to Mr. Vilson too..

The Jaded NYer said...

Dear Smarty-



@ricardo- thanks for noticing! I didn't pick up on that because of course I refused to watch my own segment *smh*

hopefully I'll get a revised video up soon enough! said...

Hmm.. While they're revising... tell em to correct the date at the beginning (January 31th?)
and the email addy should be your laplumaylatinta@gm.... - no?

#grammarnazi exercising my #innereditor