Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm A Blogger's Blogger, Your Favorite, Ain't I?! Ain't I?!

Excuse me a minute while I sing my own praises...

...and rant about something that's been on my mind for a minute. I just need to spell some things out for a few people.

I started blogging regularly in 2006 BY REQUEST. A few friends decided that the world needed to be exposed to my crazy meanderings so I gave it a try. A measly three and a half years later if I take a small break I get complaints. COMPLAINTS. Emails that say, "What am I supposed to do all week if you're not blogging?" Written in jest, I'm sure, but laden with some truth, too.

When I went private this summer, some people panicked and were like, "BITCH WHERE'S MY INVITE?!" And that was an actual email I got from someone...I won't call you out; you know who you are.

I don't pander for comments or ads; I do this because I like to. I haven't changed this layout is GOD KNOWS how long and nan one of y'all have said a word. I'm often told I should make this a cash cow but beyond The Jaded Bodega I have zero interest in that. The donation button on the right is probably as far as I'll go.

I gots homies in GERMANY reading this shyt. Germany! My shit is international, yo! Whatchu know about that?! (OK, that was rather pushing the boundaries of cockiness, but bare with me- there's a point I'm trying to make, I swear!)

Some people take this blogging for dollars business too far but I'll tell you what- I read a lot of blogs and I've YET to click on any of the advertisers on anybody's site. Not even DOOCE and she's my blogging hero. So what am I gonna waste my time with that nonsense for? Worrying about SEO words and who's on the blogroll and whatnot... Fuck I care about all that?

You come here for words. The words of a NY writer, born of immigrant parents from Santo Domingo. A divorcee with two young daughters and a crazy group of family and friends that provide her with enough material to blog until her eighties (I'm looking at YOU Mari, Irene and Jack!).

You come here to read about her ups and downs and side to sides. You wait for the funny shit her kids say and the pictures of what her wild ass 'fro is looking like this week. You hope that she'll let you read some of her creative work but are satisfied with tales of what she did on Saturday night, even if all she did was lay on the couch and contemplate death.

Some can't wait for her to find HIM and others hope she never does, because the MR. WRONG tales are much better than the MR. RIGHT ones.

She's shown you her over-sized belly and her naked baby photos. She's told you her inner most secrets while withholding others, and through it all you check in every day to see what's new.

And listen- I'm not trying to be boastful. You like Jaded. She's funny, smart, friendly, bat-shit crazy and on occasion a lil bit sex-ay. Hey, I like her, too. But, I, Raquel, just wanted you to know that I know why you keep coming here, and it ain't for Google ads (nope, not here!) and it ain't for the flashy layout (black n white n red...oooh, FANCY!) or the name dropping (again...don't have any of those).

I know you come here for Jaded's words. And trust me, she knows a lot of them and she's not afraid to use them.

It's pretty safe to say that's what you'll always find here; if it's not what you came for, please, allow me to show you the way out... *grabs machete off the wall*

*smooches...with a mega-dose of realness, as usual*
you don't come here for the know I DON'T DO cuddles unless I've given birth to you, and even then it's a crap-shoot!


Anonymous said...

Okay, i do have to say it...



It's boring and doesn't represent who you are, in my humble opinion. I just wish you had better column and whitespace balance.

That is all.

Other than that...what you said.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and another thing.

The reason I have two niche blogs and not a one filled with my personal thoughts is because I would truly offend every single person on the planet and I would really like to be able to walk the streets without worrying if one of my blog readers are waiting behind a tree to kill me.

So good job on not offending the masses. I couldn't do it.


Marielys said...

So, I am not about the fluff at all but more about the content. If your layout is fire but your content is weak, uninspiring, not funny or error- laden, I would have something to say. Keep doing your thing, sister. Well, maybe, stop picking on the Pope...that's all....and stop telling people I am crazy. You can tell your own secrets but not mine ;-)

JACK said...

First of all - Irene is a crack whore ... this layout is all JADED. It's all organized very well ... everything is in its place, but you don't care much to decorate. It's all you. Even when shit's messy - you happen to know where everything is ... like that Irene. I swear to GOD I'll never understand why we've never been able to shake her.

Secondly - I come here looking for MY words, thank you very much. JACK lives for when JADED spells out one of our ridiculous texts.

Lastly - I love cocky. (nuff said ...)

Anonymous said...

"this layout is all JADED. It's all organized very well"

Fool, have you seen this chic's house. That is exactly what makes it NOT JADED!

This blog needs chaos for it to be JADED. This neat and tidy shit is for someone else.

The F_Uitlist said...

*clicks donate button and runs away* There is too much crazy in comment section today.

The Jaded NYer said...

@irene- aww, you don't like the layout? duly noted.

*places irene's suggestion in the circular file*

get used to it- it's not going anywhere *b-girl stance*

@mari- I might have to heed your advice on the Pope jokes...things always go downhill when I talk about him.

but, err, you ARE crazy. Sorry. #truth

@jack- crack whore, tho? REALLY? smh

y'all need a timeout

@irene- hey- RAQUEL is messy; JADED is not. get it right!! lol

@the f$%k-it list- WAIT!! take me with youuuuuuuuuu...

Tyrone said...

I come here for more crazy than I can get in 140 characters. And I'm not disappointed. I can get over the layout thing. I really can.

Unknown said...

I agree with Ty. 140 characters just aren't enough for you.

I started reading your blog thru Russ and immediately thought "this is someone I can relate to". You are certifiably nuts, and it's refreshing to read such uncensored honesty.

I usually read your blog on my phone, so I don't even know how your layout looks. Keep up the good work.

Singing in the Rain said...

Peeping out of lurker mode to say, your words are gold without the crazy and platinum with it. Who needs the flash and bling of a colorful layout when you have platinum words weaving tales of living la vida loca in NYC?

Reina said...

I come here because it's the only place where I'm threatened with bodily harm just for reading. Where else can I get that?!?

Um...naked baby photos?

The Jaded NYer said...

@tyrone- twitter KNOWS it can't hold me! lol

@irene- um, yeah, you just proved my crazy point

@rashida- awww, thanks! It's a pleasure to have you on board

@singing in the rain- marry me?

@gem- I'm gonna have to ask you to leave...

@reina- yeah, about those had to be there LOL

Dave Van Buren said...

I'm super late but I loved this post.
i come here to feel a little more sane... lol