Wednesday, February 03, 2010

"...I'm Drunk In My Desire..."

I'm not moving fast enough on building this Media Empire. I know, I know: slow and steady wins the race, but I'm anxious and restless and tired of the struggle. How can there only be one of me? Why is there only one of me? I have so many things on deck: stories, novels, movie and TV scripts, radio segments, magazines, merchandise... the list goes on and on, and still- only ONE of me.

And can we please address how all of this is yielding me ZERO dollars? Right. My babies can't eat positive feedback, and National Grid ain't trying to get paid via blog comments (I know because I tried...the customer service rep was not amused.). But I want this so bad I can TASTE it. Where is my clone? WHERE?

*deep breath*

That said, on the weekend of February 19th, the next literary reading for La Pluma y La Tinta's New Voices Reading Series will take place, and in honor of Black History Month (which is also OUR history so don't bother turning up your lip at me!), the theme we've selected, which you can interpret in any way, shape or form, is:

The Life, The Struggle, The Experience.

If you're interested in participating and have a poem or work of fiction/creative non-fiction you'd like to read, please submit it to: Be sure to include your name and a way for me to contact you, and PLEASE- all attachments need to be MSWord documents or PDFs. Anything else will be discarded.

We've yet to secure a location and pick a final date, but it will be in the Brooklyn or Lower Manhattan area for sure. There are only four spots available so get your submission in early!

*deep breath*

OK so even though it's hard work and I'm struggling to death over here, I suppose there's nothing else I'd rather be doing, no other place I'd rather be living in...I have no choice but to work this life to death...

Someone PLEASE reassure me that the rewards will be sweet and here on earth, not in some mythical heaven?

*smooches...waiting impatiently for the big payoff*
I think maybe what I need is an intern since The Man won't let me have a clone n shit; where can I get one of those? I pay in food and John Cusack movie marathons.

4 comments: said...

Hey girl.. hang in there.. it's gotta get better.. That's what I keep telling myself too..

Que vida es esta? La que me pasa por al lado y no acabo viviendo?
-Me - Yeah, I said it.

Best of luck with the new reading (Break a leg?) - Know you're not alone in the struggle though.

gee said...

The rewards will be sweet and here on earth! ;-)

love the blog, i'll be visiting frequently.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Well, you've got the desire and the drive and that is half the battle. Now we gotta work on making other people realize your genius. It's gonna be hard work and it is going to require patience. The ghetto philosopher, Bette Wright, once sang, "anything worth having is worth working for and waiting for."
So, be strong of will, keep working and you will get everything you desire.
Ready? BREAK!

Marielys said...

i swear we are weirdly connected. I became obsessed with this song on Sunday when I got the Sarah Mirrorball double CD from the library. Well, continue to be diligent but I have to be honest, our rewards are not truly meant to come from this ridiculous earthly experience....

be strong ;-)