Monday, February 08, 2010

No Me Siento Bien

I had a post ready to go up today but I'm really sick right now. And not in the "Raquel hears Voices and is acting nutty" way but in the physically ill, puking my guts out sick kind of way.

I have zero idea what brought this on: I did not drink this weekend, nor did I eat anything strange or new. But that didn't stop me from being slapped awake at nearly five this morning with an overwhelming desire to purge.

My guess is that my stress, anxiety and depression cocktail are manifesting itself in an actual ailment, or, as WebMD puts it, I have "Cancer of the Everything."

I hate that site.

If I feel better later I'll send out a notice about Monday Musings. Otherwise consider me out of commission for all of today.

*no smooches...because I probably still have vomit breath*
feel free to stop over here and pamper me; the role of Raquel's nurse has yet to be filled :(


Kelly said...

Take care of yourself. I've heard from at least two different women in my department about stomach flus going around their kids' schools. Wondering if you might have picked something up from the girls.

MsKayotic said...

Girl... You need to go to the ER or something. The only thing I have ever heard of anyone getting the urge to purge first thing in the morning sounds like ____! I won't say it because.

Just be careful!

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Yes, please take care of yourself. If you don't take care of you then you can't take care of everyone else you take care of, mmkay?
It's OK to take care of you sometimes.

@LadyK, girl, slap yourself for even suggesting such. We are looking for REAL solutions here. *smh* Why it always gotta be that every time somebody needs to purge? MmmMmmMmm. *smh*