Friday, February 12, 2010

A Week And A Day

That's how long before the next scheduled reading sponsored by La Pluma Y La Tinta. This time around we've secured a performance space at Bluestockings on February 20th, located at 172 Allen Street, and it would be really freakin' awesome if:

A) you'd show up and support,
B) you helped me spread the word and

It turns out the other two women in my writers workshop are not available on that day, so I will be the only one there representing us. Given that I will already be HELLA NERVOUS with having to read and handle all the administrative stuff, it would be truly blissful if:

A) you'd show up and support,
B) you helped spread the word and

I've said it before but don't mind repeating- the theme for this reading is: The Life. The Struggle. The Experience. Readings are expected to be kept at five minutes, or as close to five minutes as your muse will allow.

This is a huge step for me, you know. I mean, I'm not sure if you're aware of this but follow through is a real struggle for me. I'm full of great ideas that hardly ever get executed. Just ask my MFA thesis or my party planning business. If I can get through June with six successful readings under my belt...well, you just don't understand the level of joy that would bring me.

And if I had all my readers/blog buddies there in the front row cheering me on, well that, my friends, would be heaven.

Otherwise, I'm gonna start killing puppies. Starting with YOURS.

*smooches...hoping this guilted you a bit*
I fully expect this post to yield me some writers and some audience members. Get on it PRONTO!


Tyrone said...

I'm mad you're trying to kick me out of the Jaded empire for missing these. It's my birthday, dagnabbit! Also, it's Tyra's birthday, so we'll be at a party. If I show up at the reading, I hope you have a place for me to sleep since my wife would have kicked me out of the house. said...

Werd.. I'm pretty mad about that too.. I'll be partying with Ty and Tyra.. 'cause if I don't - my daughter will have solidified her decision to put me in a nursing home, and my wife will be starting divorce proceedings.. I can't have that.. 'cause I CANNOT be back on the dating scene.. I repeat I CANNOT endure a divorce and hope lightning strikes twice (cause nabbing her was a fluke as it is).

Tiffany S. Jones said...

I shole am glad I don't have a puppy!

Anonymous said...

If I am ever in NYC when one of these jumps off...Meand my +1 will be in the house AND ill READ. Good luck.