...getting your money's worth? A 50-cent bag of potato chips used to be 25-cents, and the new 25-cent bags contain FIVE chips. It costs $2.25 to hear the train conductor say "we're are experiencing train traffic ahead..." and make you late, and a dirty water dog is damn near $3 but skinner than an anorexic white girl. How does this make me want to spend what little I have?
...quality, scripted programing on television? I know I can easily be trapped into a marathon of Celebrity Rehab and For The Love Of Some Washed Up Nobody, but where are the original shows that make us laugh, cry, think, feel? Why are we so concerned with the lives of others to the point that we follow them around with a camera and put real actors & writers out of work? Where are the shows like Barney Miller, M*A*S*H*, Cheers, The Cosby Show... what happened to them?
...boleros like
and R&B songs like
that made you FEEL the lyrics and the melody deep down in your soul? The kind that made you look forward to the minute when your significant other would come into your line of sight so you could embrace them, breathe them in and fall in love all over again and never let them go? Instead of just telling you to take off your clothes because they invented sex?
...real writers dominating the New York Times Bestseller List? I almost cried real tears when I heard Lauren Conrad (and if you ask "WHO?" I'm gonna kiss you right on the lips and profess my undying love to you forever and ever) had her SECOND book on the list. That is depressing. Am I to understand that, along with scripted programming, real books written by real writers have become obsolete?
...you and me? Holding hands and butterflies whenever our eyes met? Stolen kisses and secret notes? Are those days really gone?
*smooches...feeling a bit nostalgic*
unemployment affords you lots of time to sit and think. especially when you're avoiding housework.
and YES, I know the Jackson 5 did that song before Troop covered it, but it was Troop's version that moved me...
I want to ask who Lauren Conrad is, but I can do without the PDA's, kthnxbai
as for chivalry being dead, I call bullshit on that. I open or hold open doors on the regular as well as excuse myself when I bump into someone or let others off the elevator or train first.
I came here to say what Rick said. then I realized I know who that heffa is. I don't watch that show, but it's amazing how long she's dragged out her 15 minutes. I didn't know she could read or write. Even I should be able to have a bestseller then.
The game ain't fair sometimes.
I'm going to need reality tv to go away, and people to start getting famous for actually having some damn talent.
Chivalry isn't dead. Trust me. Some of it is just common courtesy, and a lot of that is lost.
Chivalry isn't dead. It just doesn't like jaded women. *wink*
No, I don't think I know who Lauren Conrad is. *going to look her up*
That last bit...I bet I know who that is about. *looking up his number in white plains.* LOL!
Um, I'll pass on the PDA as well, but who is she?
Chivalry, um, it's dying, I think we had a hand in killing it though.
I had the same thought when I ate my last bag of chips last night. It's sad really.
As for TV, they're just plowing the field so that we can plant our seeds of good programing.
@ricardo- your chivalry ain't benefiting me so as far as I know it's DEAD
@tyrone- you gotta blame the viewers. If we stopped watching it, they'd stop producing it. Aren't they at Real World 50 already? That's on us...
@irene- EWWW EWWW and more EWWWWW! You're getting your ass beat for that one!
@smarty- we have to plant the seeds? THE PRESSURE!!!!
I do know who Lauren Conrad is, but it's not my fault! I have to read something when I'm standing in line in Target.
You know the first time I heard that Troop song was in college, and I've been in love with it ever since.
The only ones who state that chivalry isn't dead are men b/c they're not dating themselves.
FTR, I'm ok with handholding and what not. If the mood strikes me, so be it.
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