Monday, March 08, 2010

The BEST Six Minutes Of My LIFE... And Other Musings...

Hey my dearies; I'm here with a Monday post for you, the kind you LOVE, and I love to write for you. Although I won't be staying long, here's some tidbits of Jaded living for you to enjoy.

Rice Is My Best Friend
I make no apologies about it- if no one else is around I make a small pot of rice and eat it standing over the stove. By myself. A whole pot. Therefore you should not be surprised that my next Cooking 101 episode with Darius T. Williams (Everyday Cookin') on Monday Musings would be about the Wonderful World of Rice!

Yeah, you read correctly. Darius and I will offer you 10 scrumptiously delicious rice recipes to go with almost anything you're cooking. Tune in, you know you want to!

Participate In A Service Day. Because I Say So.
My homie Josh is in charge of getting some volunteers for a service day in April in the Boogie Down. I know how helpful and charitable you all are so I figured I'd pass along the information.

I think I'll show up in my Mets fitted, yes?

The BEST Six Minutes Of My Life
I'm told this video is three-years-old, but since I ONLY just saw it it's NEW TO ME. And on a day when I seriously was searching long and hard for reason to smile, this video gave it to me. Enjoy!

You can thank me by sending me free music.

I Punched My Muse In The Face
Part of my departure from these internets has to do with my love-hate relationship with my writing career. Namely my ability to make a living with words. In the heat of the moment, after exchanging a few heated words with my muse, I sort of lost my temper and, well, I socked her in the kisser.

I sometimes come on here threatening people with machetes and whatnot but rarely do I resort to physical violence in my real life. This, however, could not be helped.

So now she's not speaking to me. Which means, for all intents and purposes, I've been silenced. And I really can't say when we will make up. I've already apologized; now it's up to her to forgive me.

*smooches...taking another week-long sabbatical*
Y'all come back on Monday, mmkay, because while the blog is on a break, the radio show is NOT.


Tiffany S. Jones said...

So your muse is as stubborn as you are? PERFECT! *side eye*

Unknown said...

thnx Jade, I really appreciate it.

JACK said...

damn muse and her surf board ... ugh

Video Vix[o]n said...

the magical world of rice, lol. Rice is the wonder food. I need to start experimenting with rice, which would mean i'd have to start cooking in some fashion... whoa, one step at a time for me, lol.

that six minutes of dance made me smile and tired at the same time, but definitely made my morning.

you and your muse ain't speaking? shame, shame. now y'all kiss and make up, play nice.

(sidenote: i don't comment all the times, but I read, I'm just defending myself now, lol)(