Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today I Will (3/25/10)

(The history behind these activities can be found here, and if you click here you will see all the previous posts I wrote on them. Thank you to Irene for having the forethought to buy me this book for blog material.)

Activity #7: Today I will look in the mirror and find three things I love about myself.

According to this book only 35% of some 380,000 thousand people worldwide like what they see when they look in the mirror. I think you already know I'm in the other 65% that really struggles to enjoy what is looking back at them. Yes, I am my own worst critic. It was TRULY difficult to complete this exercise but dammit all to hell if I was about to let some stupid book get the best of me. So here goes...

1- When I wear my Liplicious Fresh Mulberry lipgloss, I really like my smile. The color compliments my complexion and lip shape/size. In fact, I wear this color more often than not.

2- I never like the way I look in hats, except for my black Mets fitted. Especially with my new haircut. I cannot wait until the season starts so I can rock this baby everyday.

3- And speaking of hair, I love my hair. For all its faults and frizziness and craziness, my hair is awesome and I really, really like it.

There, I did it. Now it's your turn. Leave it in the comments.

But before that I'd really like you all to notice that this exercise only required three items and I actually wrote three items, even though everything in my being wanted to round out the list with two more items. Why am I obsessed with 5s? That's a post for another day but I will say this- 3 is the devil's number.

That is all.

Now you may leave your comments.

*smooches...thinking this exercise came right on time*
I've been needing a few ego & self-esteem boosters... surprise, surprise!


Tyrone said...

Three is NOT the devil's number. It's a rather holy number, no? The holy Trinity? Rising after three days? No? *shrugs*.

Three things I like on myself? I'm not ready for this exercise. Can I pass?

The Jaded NYer said...

@tyrone- you know who rises after three days? Zombies. So I stand by my statement... 3 is the devil's number

Tyrone said...

So...Jesus is a zombie?

*clutches bible*

OK, I am not going to duck out on this exercise:
1) my legs - running does wonders
2) My smile
3) my nose

That is all.

Now all I can think about is our dear Lord Zombie Jesus.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

#hellbound you are, the pair of you!

Anonymous said...


You should know better than to bring The Almighty into this place. Why you acting new and shit? LOL!

#1 - I love my smile. Even though my teeth aren't right, if I'm smiling that means things are good. My smile is representative of happiness and I love it.

#2 - I love my hands. I've always been told that I have great hands, including my nails. My fingers are long and lean. They are also very long. And when I am feeling down and out, they hold the beer that makes me feel better.

#3 - I love my neck. I have a very long and lean neck. It looks great in jewelry and I think it's sexy.

Kelly said...

If you want to round it to five, why not? That's two more things that you love about yourself and, in my opinion, that's great.

The dude I dated in college put me in front of the mirror one day and sat there through my tears, negativity, and denial until I was actually able to look at myself and say that I love myself. He turned out to be a big douche but that was one of the most valuable experiences I've ever learned. And it was so freaking hard to not only say the words but then believe them.

1. I love the lower half of my face. When I have a hat on, and my tired eyes are covered, I swear I look ten years younger. But just from the nose down.

2. I love my smile. I've been told that, when I don't smile, I look miserable and sad and mad. But, when I smile, I love seeing the affect it has on those around me.

3. I love my boobs. Yep, ladies and gents, that's right. My ta-tas. One is bigger than the other, one hangs lower than the other. And, when I saw my friend's post of me on Facebook, drunkenly dancing away to Black Eyed Peas, I saw that they apparently have both fallen victim to gravity. But I don't care. I've always thought they were a great size and a great addition to this otherwise meh body.

Reina said...

LOL @ zombies

This is a great exercise. I admire your discipline at not listing two more things.

The F_Uitlist said...

Three is the Magic number , Yes it is its the magic number! Did School house rock teach you nothing!

Now any way I'm not in that 65%. I had to work on the loving myself flaws and all early in life for too many reasons to list here. But I'll give you three.

I love my legs, they are long and strong from years of running track and dancing.

I love my eyes, when I was younger many people teased me about them but as I got older they were the first thing boys noticed. Bed room eyes for the WIN!

I love my hair, long, short I've been blessed with a beautiful head of natural hair. I even love the gray hairs when I take too long to get my color touched up hahah.

Strawberry's Corner said...

Hmmm I was going to cheat and just read and leave but I need a lil happy so
1. I love my hair...I always get compliments and that helps my confidence
....*two min break*... *whistles*....
2. My personality when I'm on everyone loves me and when I'm sad they all try to cheer me up
3. My mind because I have the best convos ever all by myself! < LOL

JACK said...

This has to be things we physically see in the mirror? Hmmm - I wanted to say my sense of humor (because I thin kI'm funny as fuck) but that doesn't count ... hmmmmm

My eyebrow(s). I don't pluck or shave or thread or any of those other weirdo things. I just really like mine au natural.

My eyes. I like my eyes. I think it's neat that they're LIGHT brown and deep at the same time.

My gray hair. I know it's crazy - but I get a kick out of it. Don't want to color it away or anything. I like feeling distinguished (even though I'm a ghetto bitch IRL)