Friday, April 23, 2010

I Made A Video.

Not THAT kind of video. Perverts.

I had a concept for some "TV Segments" I wanted to shoot as a contributor for Sista Sports, and threw it out to a few people. Then I finally pitched it to someone who was like, "Yeah. Sounds good. Let's do this."

Enter Video Vix[o]n and Joshen Reborn.

I dragged them with me to Belle Meade, NJ to my friend Elisheba's house where she arranged for her son to give me a fencing lesson.

Oh, did I forget to mention what the project was about? Yeah... it's me and my couch-potato-havin-ass trying out a different sport. And I was all too excited to get this fencing lesson and I'm sure you know why:


At first I was freaking out when I realized this was really going to happen. I mean, it was good in theory but then I remembered that I had stage fright and anxiety set in. Would I fall on my ass? How would I sound? Was my fat ass REALLY going to be immortalized on film for all the internet to see?

But after I met my coach and I got in front of the camera and the lesson began I kinda forgot to be scared and just went with it. Even better, the guys let me be in on the editing process. I can now add MOVIE EDITOR to my growing list of amazing skills.

I'm sure by now you're all, LET ME SEE THE VIDEO. Well relax... just click on over to Sista Sports and take a look!

And you should know that I already have a free baseball lesson in the works, and have put out feelers for wrestling, boxing, swimming and basketball lessons. You're excited. I can tell. You're wondering if you can handle Jaded on VIDEO. Well, yeah, you kinda have to. Sorry.

But I want to take a minute to thank Vixon, Joshen, Elisheba and Samuel for making this very first episode of "Jaded Takes On..." come true. They all have a place on the Jaded Media Empire payroll for sure.

*smooches...wondering if the stage fright is a thing of the past*
if that's the case... watch out world...


The F_Uitlist said...

YEAH you did it! *crosses you off my prayer list* I can't wait to see the next one.

P.S. CJ got a kick out of the video!

Joshen Reborn said...

You are so awesome, damn the video makers that created this are so talented and handsome, make sure to always feed them!

Just a few words of wisdom!

Kelly said...

This is so awesome! What a great concept. And, with a name like "Jaded Takes On ..." the possibilities are endless.

Unknown said...

Who is that lovely assistant? he's pretty good looking i think you should get me his number. Just kidding ROCK-el. it was great to do that video with you. Let me know anytime you want help. My friend is still open to have the NYer take on Boxing. So contact me or my mother if you are still interested