Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Will Know He's The One If...

...I allow myself to cry in front of him

...he meets none of my "LIST" criteria yet I cannot stop thinking of him

...he has a last name that will complement the name Altagracia (should we have a daughter)

...I feel safe when he holds me

...he makes me laugh until I pee my pants

...he doesn't care if I pee my pants when I laugh

...I don't think twice before bringing him around my friends

...I refuse to write about him in this blog

...I start to act all domestic

...he gives me a Montblanc fountain pen instead of a diamond solitaire when he proposes

*smooches...still too Jaded to recognize him*
I've kinda resigned myself to the single life. If he shows up, awesome. If not? Well, there's always porn...


Marielys said...

ewwwww porn! *lil sister moment

Don said...

Good stuff @ peeing and him not really caring only enjoying the moment of great laughter.

I feel you @ I don't think twice before bringing him around my friends I knew a woman who I felt the same about. I was like ... fugg what you think!

What's up with this Montblanc fountain pen I keep hearing you speak on? LOL! A true writer. I heart that about you.

I enjoyed your fencing video. Man. You really are too much. Poor Mike Turner really had no idea.

Joshen Reborn said...

Diamond Encrusted Montblanc pen, added to my repertoire of smooth, thank you!

The Jaded NYer said...

@mari- don't make me email you some midget porn!!

@don- LMAO @ Mike Turner! I was not mean to that dude so STOP IT!

and yeah, once I don't give a shit what others will think of my bf I will KNOW I'm head over heels in love :)

@joshen- is that a proposal? Because I kinda prefer the hommage a Andrew Carnegie pen or the Agatha Christie limited edition pen :)

The F_Uitlist said...

Ah a MontBlanc is perfection. I know you'll find him because CJ needs a wife. And you love CJ, THE END.

Tyrone said...

@mari - don't tempt her, SHE WILL DO IT!

Montblank = true taste. However, I am stuck with Parker and Pilot G2/G6 until I can get Tyra married off to CJ.

Reina said...

A Montblac fountain pen, aye? You have expensive and nice taste. I definitely agree with the laughter ones. When he makes you laugh until the point you know you look goofy but you can't and refuse to stop, he gets to meet the friends.

Eb the Celeb said...

uuuum i want you to never pee your pants for any reason at all and whether or not he likes it I will disown you as a friend..

i feel you on the aint hitting on the list at all but still have you thinking about him... *le sigh*