Like the geniuses behind THIS ad.

NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. Abortion is going to change you. It's going to make you not be pregnant anymore. DUH-MOTHERFUCKING-UH! This upset me for two reasons. One, it's assuming that women are stupidly opting for surgical solutions to pregnancy all willy-nilly. This advertisement is allowing a few harlots make the rest of us who make INFORMED decisions seem careless and mindless.
And two because they're making it seem like your whole world will implode and melt away into the sewer after you have an abortion. As if afterward you will find yourself wondering aimlessly through the world, feeling like something is missing until you realize... *cue violins* "I had an abortion. And it changed me!"
*side eye*
UGH... the propaganda I have to deal with on an otherwise yuppie-free train ride...
Listen, I'm not trying to make light of the situation. Deciding to get an abortion is real serious shit for sure. And maybe a handful of women fall apart after the procedure. But this ad just makes my skin crawls; there has to be a better non-retarded way to offer pregnancy counseling.
This shit right here? It SCREAMS of the Religious Right inching their way into my uterus and lookie here- I already got some damn fibroids and scar tissue residing in there- ain't no room for no more motherfuckers.
Especially religious ones.
*smooches...missing the days of Dr. Zizmor ads on the subway*
remember him, the skin guy? is he still around? I could stand to see him for a quick consultation...
That's what happens when women use abortion as birth control, instead a last resort.
Hussies, keep yer legs closed.
But, I hate ads the promote any sort of morality.
i thought these ads were only on the B train. wtf?!
as if us women dont have enough of a guilty conscience, right?
@ irene: i prefer a woman have an abortion than bring a baby in they can't take care of. i dont think it has anything to do with being a hussy, but everything to do with common sense.
Regardless of how you feel about abortion, it is never OK to shove the opinion down anyone's throat be it on the train, the TV or in conversation.
Opinions are there for the sake of conversation. Nobody gives a shit what you think. Folks act like making the decision to have an abortion is as simple as picking a restaurant. Dicks.
The crazy, religious would rather turn their heads and act like their kids are not having sex. It's all fun and games until somebody get pregnant.
Abortions are indeed some deep ish. So deep that I personally shy away from the subject.
For personal reasons, of course. I regret once paying for an abortion.
I will say - far as the ad is concerned ... I had no ideal the war between those who are in favor versus those who rather kill abortion doctors, instead.
It's funny that you posted this today, because there has been a lot of controversy attached to the ads. The religious right actually had nothing to do with it but some woman claiming that she just wanted people to know Abortions change you.
I find it all ridiculous, the MTA,religious right,Catholic church all need to come up from under my skirt and tend to their own problems.
dying, i'm dying reading this right now!!
You're right, it is about common sense. And I bet most of us have enough common sense to have lots of unadulterated sex without getting pregnant. It's really not that hard.
hussy = stupid young thangs who have sex without the thought of the consequences behind it and just don't give a shit. :)
Now of course, there are exceptions. Condoms allegedly break (okaaay), other birth control fails, or some other situation comes up. But for the most part, women who have abortions do so because they did nothing to prevent getting pregnant in the first place. And that is what pisses me off. Killing a baby cause your an idiot does not fall well with me.
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