A few weeks ago Ms KarrieB was guest bartending at a spot in the Financial District and of course, as I do for ALL my bartending buddies, I went to support. While there, I gave the hostess my email so they could send me event information, etc and guess what?? I won a free happy hour!
The deal is: from 6-8PM, all of my drinks are free, and anyone who says my name at the door will get a wristband which entitles them to 1/2 price drinks during my happy hour. COOL, RIGHT?!
So if you didn't kill your liver with Cinco de Mayo festivities, peek in at 1834 Bar & Burger, located at 62 Pearl Street in Manhattan, from 6-8PM. I will be there, eating my weight in Buffalo wings and demanding all sorts of drinks that don't go together.
I Didn't Want To Be Right
You've all heard about that "bomb" in Times Square by now, right? Right. Show of hands, how many actually believed that malarkey the police & the media were trying to force feed us? NOT I!! You know my policy on the government. Oh, you don't? THEY LIE! And this story just didn't make any sense.
Think about it: terrorist bombers all over the world successfully blow shit up in crowded areas all the time. You want me to believe that this bomb fizzled by chance? No, my brother, let me tell you the REAL story.
That bomb was a plant. By the government. Placed in a busy corner of Times Square where it was sure to get noticed and reported and "investigated" by the police. News was to spread like wildfire scaring the bejeezus out of citizens who'd already begun to put 9/11 behind them. And for what? MONEY. So that Bloomberg and the Feds can justify an increase in "defense funds." If you think I'm lying, check the news and see where Bloomberg was on Wednesday. GO ahead, I'll wait.
Did you see? YUP. Bloomberg was in Washington, DC, asking for MORE MONEY for HOMELAND SECURITY. I can't make this stuff up. The best part is the poor patsy they got to take the fall... dude lost everything, which I'm sure made him the perfect target for the government conspiracy. Well I'm calling BULLSHIT on this WHOLE operation...fuck what y'all think!
*smooches...wondering if it's the liquor that has me all loca in the cabeza*
nah, I'm right. The govt is out to get us all. and YES your precious Obama is in on it, too!!
*looks around* Can you take my name and affiliation to you off this blog? You know *whispers* "they" don't take too kindly to conspiracy theorists.
*walks away gingerly and says randomly* I don't KNOW that woman. *whistles, picks up pace and runs*
Girl you sound like my mother. Good theory. You're probably right.
Don't go putting Obama and that scheming Bloomberg together....hmph!
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