Friday, May 14, 2010

Inappropriate BBMs, Vol. 3

ME: I need some pizza in my life *sigh*

Pizza or penis? 'Cause I need the latter.

I have penis. I need pizza.

Oh. I got pizza. Looks like we both ain't shit.


*smooches...only half joking about that trade*
you can't judge me unless you've had NY-style pizza. It's so good you'd trade in the BEST penis in the world just for a slice!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

*smh* Bellvue calling, indeed.

Joshen Reborn said...

Lol, I think I can help you both!

Tyrone said...

That sounds like the beginning of a particular type of movie...or so I've heard.

Anthony Otero said...

Makes me wonder what you would trade for a whole pie...

aRm said...

I've had both. And yes, I vote Pizza.

The Jaded NYer said...

@smarty- I like how you keep shaking your head at ME as if Bellvue doesn't have YOU on speed dial...

@joshen- Well you know where I live; I like mushrooms & black olives on my pizza & condoms on my penises O_O

@tyrone- starring midgets? because I think I've seen that one! lol

@latinegro- for a whole pie? you can have one of my kids hahahahahaha

@alex- and THIS is why we're BFFs. *orders pizza, sends penis away*

The F_Uitlist said...

I vote Pizza! I mean I have the other on demand, but a great slice of Pizza and a pineapple soda makes my day everytime. And I don't sweat out my hair.