What does a Jaded NYer like myself DO when it's crazy hot in these streets? Um, not stay the fuck home, that's what, especially in MY apartment: guaranteed whatever the temperature is outside, it's 10 degrees hotter inside. It's my very own 24/hr sauna.
This year Mari will be staying with me for a bit while the babies are gone, but she'll be busy studying most of the time. I've given myself a final, no-holds-barred deadline of July 1st to hand in my thesis to FDU so I can get that damn monkey off my back. And hopefully I'll have my hands full w/a plethora of paying gigs to keep my cabinets stocked with Ramen and cookies. But besides all that I plan to be...
...at the various FREE concerts around the City. FREE, bitchezzzz, F-R-E-E!!!
...in the park, becoming reacquainted with my bike (since no one wanted to buy it) and writing til my fingers bleed.
...at Coney Island, acting like I ain't got no chores, jobs or responsibilities, and stuffing my face with fried shrimp on the boardwalk.
...in NJ, chillin in Mami's yard, dipping my feet in the pool, laying out in the sun, watching cheesy TV on her VZ FiOS.
...at the god damn BEACH, trying to convince myself and the world that I'm not really beige/yellow/lightskinded by tanning myself to death.
And when I'm not engaging in those activities you will find me in DC, MA, Montauk and who knows; this might be the year I get to return to DR and/or Cali *crosses fingers*
What are YOU doing with your summer?
*smooches...welcoming the Sun back into my life*
this summer won't be like last summer. You remember- my nervous breakdown and all that jazz? Yeah, we're not doing THAT again. I won't let it!!
My summer? Hmmm....
-remodeling a house.
-writing again (thankfully).
-going to some free concerts with you (better invite me bitch).
-finding a better gig than this one right here.
-traveling to some place new, maybe Martha's Vineyard, Austin, or New Orleans.
-training for the Iron Girl Triathlon, and maybe even training for my first 1/2 marathon (god willing).
-enjoying lots of beach time (loaded with SPF 1,000 cause I'm black enough).
Who knows what else...
This summer I will:
-get one step closer to being a Principal by starting my graduate program in NYC
-annoy my sister to death like the 'good old days'
-train to run a 5K in 28 minutes or less on July 24 (that's the goal anyways)
-take advantage of free kayaking and free Zumba in Manhattan
-also chill at Mami's house like I pay the mortgage
-write at least weekly in my fitness blog
-take a US roadtrip in late June or early August
-write curriculum for new Spanish IV class at my school (dorky but necessary)
And hopefully I'll have my hands full w/a plethora of paying gigs to keep my cabinets stocked with Ramen and cookies.
GREAT sense of humor. Sometimes I eat Ramen noodles late nite mixed w/ jalapeno cheese and refried beans. Mofo's be SO good.
...at the various FREE concerts around the City. FREE, bitchezzzz, F-R-E-E!!! I would love to be able to benefit from this and other events such as Rucker Park and Central Park events.
Handle your business @ thesis.
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