Sunday, July 04, 2010

Jaded Photographs 2010: July Edition

"If You Know Like I Know
You Don't Wanna Step To This"

It's #SisterSummer2010. Act like ya know!

*smooches...trying to re-learn to coexist w/my sister*
no, for real, tho. she's certifiable. I might don't make it...


Marielys said...

No but seriously, if your a** is a buster, 213 (or 718) will regulate ;-)

Anonymous said...

Your HAND is killing me!


Tiffany S. Jones said...

OMG, The Lady has a sister? *crosses self* Jesus be some self-defense classes.

The Jaded NYer said...

@mari- HA! This summer is already up there w/the summer of 1994... pizza, wings & Days of Our Lives!!

@gem- was it not "gangsta" enough for you?? Bwahahahahahahha

@smarty- and she's crazier than the lady, too smh

The F_Uitlist said...

Uhhh you do realize your E for east side is backwards? I'm just sayin' Rep hard but not illiterate. HAHAH

The Jaded NYer said...

@f$%k it list- it's not's a "I can't take a pic with my left hand" E O_o

aRm said...

I feel like this picture is Koko from SWV meets T-Boz from TLC ... in Puerto Plata

Don said...

Hahahaha @ the title of the blog and video. Too funny @ Rocky with the hat to the back and your sister with the Pac bandana.

Mike Turner needs to see this ish.
