Monday, July 05, 2010

"Listen, Yo' Ass Is About To Be Missin......"

My ex-husband C and I have these two beautiful girls that we've promised to bring up as best we can even after we split up. That was the whole point of a quick and friendly divorce.

These girls grow like weeds and need food, clothes, etc all the time. I pay more than I should for a crappy apartment because it's safe and the schools are great. I hate that I depend on child support payments to make ends meet but it's a fact in my life right now and it's for the good of my children so I swallowed my pride and told the lawyer YES, I'd like to sue for child support.

So color me surprised when my ex-husband announced he quit his job at a private university (which by the way would have paid for my soon-to-be-graduating-from-HS daughter's college tuition) and was going to move in with his fiance and look for a new job.

No new job lined up. No separate bedroom for my babies in the fiance's house. No savings. No real plan in place. Just the foolish notion that in THIS economy he should have no trouble finding something new because he has his Master's degree.


Motherfucker *I* have my Master's degree. The dude that was waiting in line behind me at the Unemployment Office? He was a CFO somewhere for 12 years, and told me of his friend with a PhD who had to move back home with his parents.

But I'm sure you'll have NO TROUBLE looking for work.

I swear, this negro STAY testing me...

Like how many new ways will he have for displaying his lameness to me? Does he not think I don't already regret ever meeting him everyday of my life? Is that not enough? He has to go and put my children's well-being in jeopardy? I wonder if he remembers that I got laid off last year, and that I've been looking for work since June of 2009 with no luck? And that I depend on that money to help with the expenses I incur raising the kids he only sees every other weekend and during the summer break?

I don't mind pulling my own weight because I do and I can, and I'm not trying to be petty about money, but man I fucking divorced you so that I wouldn't have to pull YOUR dead-ass-weight anymore but here I am, once again, scrambling to find a way to bail MY little family out of YOUR financial MESS.

Jesus H. Christ!!! I hope he proves me wrong and finds a job by August...

*smooches...ready for that blue pill right about now*
I think it's safe to say that our friendship and/or amicable divorce is on the rocks. Permanently. The worst thing I ever did in life was fuck that man...


Tiffany S. Jones said...

Had you NOT had relations with him, you would not have had your girls. For every thing evil, there's something good. In this case, two. To quote my daddy, "Some people just stupiT, baby."

Anonymous said...

I am usually the one to try to defend C and his antics. However, this time, I got nuthin. That fool betta recognize who he is messin with!!!

And what's more - how can his fiance see what he is doing and still want to marry him? I don't get it?

Anonymous said...

O_O wow. WOW. On top of the obvious job situation, there isn't even room for your daughters at the new house?? What do they think of the fiance?

Jaded, PLEASE if you get to the point where you can, do NOT have another baby with this man! I couldn't tell if you were joking before but just in case you weren't, DON'T!


The Jaded NYer said...

@smarty- I love your dad's sayings!

@irene- it's nice to FINALLY have y'all on my side LOL

@gem- I was only half-joking before. But rest assured that I'll just adopt a baby from DR before I let his sperm co-mingle with my eggs again. That idea has been scrapped for good!

@the f$%k it list- yeah, he's def looking to get jumped for this...

aRm said...

Will this man EVER make it without being up under some woman to support him and make all the bad things in the world go away?!? How do men who still have formula on their breath have the testicular fortitude to procreate? If there really *IS* a God, why doesn't she kick these niggas in the balls? HARD!

This woman of his is on her way to becoming what the IRS calls an "injured spouse."

Also - does the H. in Jesus H. Christ stand for Hubert? Horace?

D'Ven said...

You do know you are entitled to his tax return (or a portion thereof) if he gets behind, right? I don't know if you have to go through the state of NY, but I know here in FL, your license, your professional licenses, your credit report, your tax returns, and personal bank accounts are fair game for delinquent fathers. [I happen to work for FL child support (not dealing with clients, thank goodness]

I can't believe he quit his job without having something else lined up. In THIS economy. He would come up missing after I verified the children were the sole beneficiaries of any life insurances, and I was the executor of their interests.

Jelani said...

I'm not gonna go in like aRm but I will say he could've at least gotten fired instead of quitting. So he could try to collect unemployment. Hope he got a nice severance package or has a nest egg or something. Why did he quit? Just couldn't take it anymore? Wants a different career?

BTW, I got a Master's Degree and its no picnic out here, lemme tell you. For the well-being of your family I hope he finds work soon.

Also I think Smarty said a good thing above. said...

Yeah... I got a Master's too.. and I'll tell ya.. I'm scurred..

Don said...

Two Master's degrees between the ex husband and ex-wife sets a great precedent for your children.

Time has really flown - your daughter is on the verge of graduating high school? Wow.