Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jaded Empire Business Meeting, Vol. 1

Hello my lovely minions. This here is a virtual meeting of Jaded Empire Media, Inc. so grab a note pad, pencil, highlighter and a beer from the fridge. We have some work to do.

1- I've been delinquent in naming prize winners from my "Thank You" post last month and I apologize. I was probably in the middle of a Pity Party and didn't have time. But whatever, I'm on my game now and the winners are:

Irene, who gets a FREE book from the Jaded Library
Don, who won free EXCLUSIVE Jaded Greeting Cards
Smarty, who won a Jaded Tee, and
Brother Omi, who won a Jaded Mug

I will be reaching out to all of you individually to give you your prizes; thanks again for your continued support of my Empire!

2- I wrote an article for XI Magazine on a great musician, Jerzy Jung, and you all need to read it and leave a comment so that the editors know I can draw a crowd. Cool? Cool. Also, feel free to subscribe to XI and check in with them often; I'll be contributing regularly from now on.

3- La Pluma y La Tinta, my Latina Writers Group, will once again be hosting the New Voices Reading Series starting in September. All we need is a fresh batch of readers...and a venue. The place I want is unavailable (mostly because they won't return my calls or emails...rat bastards) and the place I can get is charging us $50 per event. So get on out there, minions, and find me a performance space AND some kick-ass writers to feature. PRONTO!

4- Your favorite online radio show (and mine!!), Monday Musings, starts back on September 13th to kick off Latino Heritage Month and you won't want to miss all the new goodies we have in store. But again, my lovelies, I will need your help to spread the word. Let's make Season 3 the one that puts us on the map as THE show to listen to every Monday night. Join my Monday Musings Street Team!! Email me for more details (

5- To date, I have submitted 4 short stories to 5 different journals/contests, because I'm super serious about OPERATION: Published by 2011! And I have to admit that I got a bit of a boost from my unemployment, but mostly from this awesome movement, Field Of Dreams-ing, started by my sister from another mister, Bangs and a Bun. Click HERE to read more about it and then get out of my way...I'm on a mission to make my dreams come true.

With a little help from my friends, of course!

*smooches...checking out Manhattan real estate for our headquarters*
unless, of course, you know of a place with a great view of the skyline in Brooklyn? I'm open to some ideas...can we get something with a panic room, tho? I've been obsessed with having one since I saw the film!!