Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Jaded Empire: Line Of Sight

Every time I sit at my computer to create the genius you read here and elsewhere, this is what I see:

Each piece is essential to my motivation. Whenever I'm at a loss for what to write next, something on this board will speak to me and push me through.

My Favorite Musicians. No, these aren't all of them, just some of the ones featured in the "Who Shot Rock n Roll?" exhibit I saw at the Brooklyn Museum last year. Jimi, Kurt, Iggy and His Purple Majesty, Prince Rogers Nelson. Not only do I channel their creativity but I'm often moved by the moment in time captured by the photographers. Look at Kurt losing his shit backstage; that dude had PASSION, man! Yes, it killed him but still- RAW PASSION!!

The Quotes. I'm not one that likes to be inundated with inspirational sayings all day, but sometimes one will jump out and stay with me. Those are the ones that get a place on the wall. My favorite of the bunch? Ani's lyric, "I am an all-powerful, Amazon warrior, not just some sniveling girl." I remind myself of that every time I feel defeated.

Grandma. I keep the little keepsake prayer card given out at her funeral on the board, to remind myself that what I'm trying to do here is for her and Papi, to say Thank You for all they did to make me what I am today. It takes a lot of courage to just up and leave your home for a scary new one, but they did it, and I'm ever so grateful.

Mi Bandera. Yes, I know I was born in Brooklyn. I am aware of it and will rep this place for all eternity. But I am also a part of a bigger and beautiful heritage and culture and history, and having that flag there where everyone who enters my apartment can see it and KNOW is very important.

The Serenity Prayer. Do you know anyone who needs to repeat this mantra everyday more than I do? If so maybe you don't want to get too close to that person because they are apt to explode any second. Y'all know I'm a dweller- I just dwell on shit too long. Sometimes I just have to read this prayer a few times in order to shake off and let go of the thing that's plaguing me.

The Other Stuff: The Tibetan prayer flags (got them in the mail & thought they were pretty); pipe-cleaner stick figure made by N; Korean bookmark string art thingy (given to me by a student at Waco); my Oaxacan sculpture in the most beautiful shades of blue you ever did see (purchased from real Oaxacan artisans); a postcard of the Julio Valdez painting Mar Abierto, one that I wanted to purchase but was wayyyy out of my price range, so I settled for the poster; a monkey and a mermaid from some drinks I had someplace and was going to leave behind but they were all, "Hey, don't leave us here. Take us home!" So I did.

All of these things help me create all that I do. They all have something to say to me. A memory they evoke. Importance.

(And YES, that's a picture of me and Mari above the board... She's my baby sister and I love her to death and has always been my target audience since she was born and I dressed her in my doll's clothes, but don't make a big deal about it or she'll get a big[ger] head.)

*smooches...not sure if I've shared too much*
like are you LITERALLY picking up the phone to call Bellvue to come get me or am I safe for another day?


Tyrone said...

Not too much sharing. I find it adorable. This is the other side of Jaded. No machetes, just inspiration and fun.

Kelly said...

How can I judge? At least you keep yours to one board. My apartment is full of pics of friends and family (down one hallway), framed puzzles that my sister and I assembled (one in bedroom and one in living room), art by friends and family (all over the place) ... but, like you, each piece has something to say to me, a story, a memory.

Where the hell would we be without this stuff, these people, these memories? I don't know about you but, without this stuff, THEN you'd need to call Bellevue. I'm a little off my rocker now so, without that stuff, I'd be certifiable.

Don said...

I remember the very first time I saw this. I actually took the time to reflect upon just about every thing seen.

Grandma sentiments - The Best.