Friday, August 27, 2010

Write What You Know

A bit ago Mari bought me this great book, Room to Write, and it has oh-so-many writing prompts to get your creative juices flowing. Of course, because I'm the awesome person I am, I decided to share its contents with you, hoping it will light a fire under your writer's block.

One of the age-old words of wisdom for writers is "Write what you know." But I understand that it can be difficult to compartmentalize, organize and layout your life into one story. This next prompt aims to aid you in this by tapping into your memories.

According to the book,
"Memory is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. One memory sparks another. Each time you write from memory...a creative shift takes place."
Ready? Play along with me...

Room To Write Activity #2: Memory Is Imagination

Begin with the phrase "I remember" and start writing...

I remember lazy, hot summers spent leaning out of the barred windows of my grandparents' third-floor walk-up. I would watch all the neighborhood children riding bikes, playing tag or just sitting on the stoop. Enjoying the break from school and all its rigors. I hated the playground that was just out of my line of sight; whenever the other kids left the block I sat there alone with nothing to watch and nothing to do. It was during one of these balmy August days that I met that shadow that lived behind the mirror in the living room. We've been inseparable ever since.

See how that works? Your turn! You can leave it in the comments or keep it to yourself. Either way, happy writing!!

*smooches...doing what I can for my fellow creatives*
I know life gets in the way but we MUST push through all the bullshit and gift the world our art!


Anonymous said...

I remember yearning so much for that kind of love - conditionless, and without judgement. The kind of love that a child gets from a parent. I'd watch kids getting picked up from school, their parents hugging them and fussing with their hair. It was beautiful, but I hated them all. I couldn't get that kind of affection. I could never get the satisfaction of my mother touching me in a loving way. It was not for me.

But today, when I pick my daughter up from school, she runs to me, planting the biggest kiss on my cheeks and hug around my shoulders. And I realize why I struggled the way I did as a child. So as an adult, I would know and appreciate what true love really is.

Evy said...


dejanae said...

ok.def gonna make this a blog post for tomorrow.atleast now i got something to write about