Monday, September 13, 2010

Did Someone Say, "Monday Musings"???

Ask and ye shall receive!

YES, Monday Musings w/The Jaded NYer & Friends premieres tonight with my annual tribute to Latino Heritage Month. You know the drill- I tell you how AWESOME and AMAZING Latinos are and you nod in agreement and worship at my feet. Don't act brand new!

Speaking of brand-spankin'-new, check out the new flier:

Photo credit: Marcin Kaliski

(And if you promise to be good, click HERE to see the PG-13 version of the Season 3 flier. My vanity couldn't help itself.)

Tonight's co-host, that foul-mouthed Cubana, Irene of FitHungryGirl Adventures, and I will talk about the importance or identifying with and preserving our Latino culture. Who are we? Where are we? And all that mambo.

Also, you don't want to miss out on my cool new Monday Musings theme music (courtesy of Mr. Brad Taylor) and a fancy-schmancy giveaway of Carlos Santana's latest CD, "Guitar Heaven" (dropping on September 21st).

And yes, of course the chat room will be open "...for my hooligans in Brooklyn..." and beyond. So tune in tonight and let's get this shit started right!

*smooches...kicking off the school year right*
and unless you want to find a lump of coal in your stocking this Christmas, you'd BETTER tune in tonight.


Marielys said...

YAY! Finally. So apparently, Chris really really wants to co-host a show this season. He asked this weekend. Pls find him something to do before I kick him hahaha

The F_Uitlist said...

I'll be there!