Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dancing Babies

I had the best time with the babies this weekend- all three of them. I went to scoop up Miss Olivia and the four of us hung out, made a pie and then went to visit my Penzo grandmother. She was such a well-behaved doll!

I mean, look at this video:

Like, why is she so cute? And why is K so damn tall? And most importantly, why was N in the background doing the MOST?! The fist pumping... pelvis thrusts... I CANNOT!

Listen, I'd barely slept the night before and all the suspended train service was getting on my damn nerves, but Sunday was still alright with me.

*smooches...reliving Sunday afternoon right this minute*
and can we please talk about WHY Miss Olivia knows the words to this song? It's all cute and games until she's rapping along to Wacka Flacka!


Kelly said...

Thank you for my morning giggles. Miss Olivia is too much! And that can't be the same N I met. Ha ha! Reminds me of me. Put me in front of people I don't know and I clam up faster than you can blink but put me in a familiar environment and I'm the biggest ham you've ever met.

Anonymous said...

Oh My God! Look at my baby! She is such a cutie. LOL!

Tiffany S. Jones said...

So, they get to be my background dancers for next year's birthday video. :)

I don't even have to teach them ratchetness. *thumbs through Uncle Luke collection* You think they can learn "Scarred" by May?

The F_Uitlist said...

1. I can not with Olivia and these girls dancing.

2. Uhm why you got to be singing all in the video.

*clear throat* IF any artist want to do a video where the Executive producer ain't singing, rapping and dancing in the video come to death row...wait what happen here. I lost my train of thought.

3. I bet Irene doesn't even know who a Wacka Flacka is, so no worries there.

Anonymous said...

Wacka who?

Anonymous said...

Look at you raising happy children! Not an easy feat but you are "The Original Mommy" lol