Thursday, October 07, 2010

Today I Will (10/7/10)

(The history behind these activities can be found here, and if you click here you will see all the previous posts I wrote on them. Thank you to Irene for having the forethought to buy me this book for blog material.)

Activity #10: Today I will thank my parents for everything they have done for me.

"...despite the many challenges your parents probably faced, odds are, they did the best job they could raising you."

That may only be true for 99% of us, but then again, considering these 'modern' times, let's just say your parents are the grown-ups that raised you, taught you right from wrong, fed you, loved you and were there for you no matter what with just what you needed (whether what you needed was a swift kick in the ass or a tight hug). Let's say those are your parents. Call them. Write them a letter. Hell, if you want, send a Facebook message, and thank them for what they gave you that makes you you.

I realized this myself over the weekend as I stood in front of the mirror de-afroing. Had my mom not taught me how to do my own hair, I'd be a slave to the salon. And had she not taught me how to cook I'd probably order out every night. Had she not taught me how to present myself, keep a house, behave and respect my elders, then I'd have been a TRUE Penzo with my own deluxe suite at Bedford Hills.

For all these things and more-- caring for me after my babies were born; taking me in when I left Waco; gifting me the deposit for my apartment-- I'm ever so grateful. We're not International Coffee close, but she's tops. And I just sent her a letter in the mail saying so.

Now I just gotta send one to Papi, Titi Gloris, my cousin Rob, (Mari's dad) Rene and probably write a Letter I'll Never Send to Grandma and Nenena (my great-grandmother); these were all my parents, too. I'll never forget that. Ever.

*smooches...full of thanks for my beautiful family*
take a quick minute or two out of your day and let mom know you're thankful. I know for a fact she'll love it.


Anonymous said...

Wait, let me think about that for a minute..a letter to my mother thank her for all that she has done for me?


That bitch ain't worth the stamp.


But I love your mami...she is definitely tops!

Kelly said...

Funny I would read this post today as I just sent my mom and stepdad a quick e-mail to wish them a happy anniversary (which is next week).

Hell, I can't go more than a week without a chat with my mom. Anything longer and one of us gets worried.

Try to call my dad as often as I can but probably not as often as I should.

Thank goodness they taught me early to express how much I love them and to hear their own love for me. We regularly tell each other how lucky we are.

The F_Uitlist said...

I read this right after I called my mom to just say hi and to talk about schools for C.J. As much as Patsy makes me nuts sometimes she's the bees knees, peaches and cream and just all around FABULOUS! I <3 my mom!

Oh and I'd like to thank your mom too, because now I know my rollersets will be AWESOME!. Thank Mami

aRm said...

I have no idea what this post said. I ready Activity#10 ... Thanks parents what they did for me

and i hit the "x"