Friday, November 26, 2010

The 14-Day Get Yo' Shit Together Challenge

December is creeping up on me fast, y'all, and although I don't really do resolutions per se, I’m on a quest to stay so busy that the bluesy-blues won’t have time to catch up to me. Plus I’m thinking this leg thing is probably kind of serious (and Mari totally yelled at me because my illnesses could be diabetes-related, which is rampant in our family and ultimately killed my grandmother), and I’m pretty sure I’m tired of being broke and in debt so I have to rectify these situations soon, too.

Because I’m a TO DO LIST type of person and need consequences to get things done, I figured this post could be my TO DO LIST and you all seeing it and yelling at me if I don’t complete it will be my consequence. And feel free to be as obnoxious as you want to be with it, too. I'll only ignore your bbms or call you a poopie-faced devil. Deal? Deal!

Beginning November 28th, I will embark on a 14-day mission to start getting myself back in order. By December 14th I will have:

>>a clean and organized apartment. It’s not that big. We don’t have a lot of stuff. There’s really no reason for the mess except laziness. I have sectioned off the tasks by area for each day of the challenge so that it’s not so overwhelming, and of course, I have the babies doing their share (seeing as 77% of the mess is theirs!).

>> a “clean” body OR a plan to get it that way. Yes, I will see a stanky-ass doctor, okay?! I will see about getting some of that free healthcare NYC offers and go to a mangy ol clinic and let them test me from here to eternity to see what is wrong with my leg. I will not give attitude, I will not fight and I will not storm out of any waiting rooms.

>> a plan to clean up my credit. There’s no way to fix the money mess I’m in during the 14-day challenge, but that is enough time to get my credit report, see what’s up and begin to repair the damage. This will [have to] include a plan to make more money and reduce spending, yet again, but whatever. Anything to stop whomever it is that keeps calling from that 877 number from showing up on my caller ID 10 times a day!

>> a writing schedule in place. One that I will stick to for the entire 14 days and continue afterward. All the great working writers I know of say the same thing: write every day as if it were your job. I mean, it kind of is my job but I've totally neglected some of my creative projects by letting LIFE get in my way. And that's no way to launch an empire!

>> a list of junior high schools to look into for N. Lawd JEEEZUSSSS this process is grinding my gears, but if it's the last thing I do I WILL narrow down her middle school choices to a short list of places that will a)provide her with the best preparation for high school and b) not be so far out of our way that the commute will unnerve me. Of all the tasks, this one might be the one to kill me.

I'm pretty sure I've written a post like this before, towards the end of the year, promising to do that, swearing I'm going to do this, but the difference this time around is that I'm desperately trying to avoid that bottom-of-the-barrel feeling I had just two summers ago when my depression got kinda serious (thanks A LOT, jury duty!!). Trust me- it's not where I want to be ever again!

What do I hope to get out of this? Well besides a spotless apartment and the ability to run, skip and jump in heels again, I want the peace of mind that I’m hoping will come when all of this is checked off my list. In turn, the bluesy-blues will have to take up residence with someone else and the commuters on the B41 bus will be safe from my wrath once again.

And isn’t that what we ALL want?

So, who wants to join in? What do you want to accomplish by December 6th?

*smooches...nervous about putting this out there*
Lord help me if I don’t finish...I’ll be SO mad!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Please please please get yourself to the doctor. I almost lost my dad to late onset diabetes. He could have spent his life managing his diet and checking his blood but the old dog has only learned so many new tricks and is now on insulin shots at least twice a day. It's no joke. Don't make your friends, family, and your girls have to come kick your ass for not taking care of this. As I've told my dad, I'll figure out a way to cross the boundaries of the ether to kick his butt if his lack of health consciousness leads to an early grave.