There was one performer that the school wanted to get but couldn't because he demanded Hennessy in his dressing room and the school was run by Jesuit priests. Hilarious!
I remembered that just the other day and thought- what ridiculousness would I put on my list just because I could?
*cue dream sequence*
The Jaded NYer's Rider:
1. Big Ass TV w/a DVD Player and the following DVDs- Buffy (seasons 1-7); John Cusack's entire filmography; The Anniversary Party; Love Story; West Side Story; Gone With The Wind.
2. A dance floor.
3. Popcorn-flavored Jelly Bellies
4. David's sunflower seeds- the regular ones; no fancy flavors!
5. Planters UNSALTED peanuts mixed with Sunmaid Raisins
6. Room temperature filtered water
7. Tostitos Scoops w/medium bean & corn salsa
8. Stargazer & Calla lilies- NO BABY BREATH!!
9. One topless male Brazilian soccer player
10. One topless male Portuguese soccer player
11. Full-size bed w/pillow top mattress & all the fixins
12. Janeane Garofalo
13. Josie (my former her in from Texas. Thanks!)
14. #theplate
15. Someone at whom to yell, preferably male
I may or may not use any of these things once in the dressing room, but if this entire list isn't met to a T?? I WILL walk out, contract or no contract!
*smooches...practicing to be a difficult diva from now*
hey- I have to give TMZ something to talk about!
This list is Reason No. 3,472 that I will never quit you.
As a part of your entourage, I'd like to request that you add one Ikea Billy shelf (it doesn't even have to be the big one) filled with books to your riser. List of specific authors/titles to come.
@smarty- well that and the fact that I have an entire dossiere on you...
@kelly- LMAO!! I will gladly add that to my list :)
I can only co-sign to #3 and #4. *daps*
why is Janeane Garofalo the funniest thing on here to me lol.
I think you should add beds for your phones and Some kind of wifi for netflix.
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