Friday, December 31, 2010

Blink And You'll Miss The Good Parts

2010 Went like this:

I was broke, unemployed, miserable, almost evicted. I met a guy; it went well for a bit and then it ended. Didn't get to travel, canceled my radio show, deleted some negative people from my life.

In between all that I saw a few movies, hosted a few readings, wrote a few stories, read a few books, shared a few laughs and saw PRINCE in concert.

I'm not putting much stock in 2011. All I ask is that Jamie Cullum play a show in NYC that I can attend, N get into the middle school of her dreams, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2" be awesome, I get a story published in a literary journal, K has a nice sweet sixteen party and somebody, somewhere employs me full-time as a writer of some sort so that I can pay down my debts.

Everything else is just whatever.

*smooches...with good cheer and all that other bullshit*
and blah blah blah, something witty and snarky, blah blah.


Anonymous said...

eh, happy new year to you too.

The F_Uitlist said...

Uhm yeah what Irene said. *sprinkle pixie dust in your comment section*