Acosta is my Mami's father's (Abuelo's) family name. Ortiz is my beloved Grandma's family name and Penzo...well, we all know about those ne'er-do-wells (but for the newbies, that's my biological father's family name, illegitimate as it may be. But that's a tale for another day.).
This weekend was spent with many of the New England Acosta clan and let me tell you if EVER I had to send up the bat signal and get these folks aligned against a common enemy? Sheeeiiiitttt, that poor adversary wouldn't last two seconds. We are simply too many and too mighty and too mother-fuckin' gangsta!
For example, and this will let you in on why I REFUSE to date Dominican men EVER, and why I firmly believe that entire island is related to me somehow: My Acosta great-grandfather had about 42 KNOWN children in La Descubierta. I say KNOWN because those were the kids he copped to, from three different women. And this is CRAZY because from what I'm told, La Descubierta is all of two blocks long. TWO BLOCKS. Do the math.

Got that? Okay, then lets move on.
So I was in Lawrence, Massachusetts, which, if you didn't know, is Dominican Central of the northeast, for my Tia Aura's surprise 70th birthday party. She's Mami's aunt on the Acosta side, which makes her my great-aunt, but in my family you just call people by whatever title they are, and she's Tia.
Looking around the room at the many faces of the few Acosta Clan members that could be there on Sunday was just...I mean it was cool but it was also overwhelming. The thought of all these people related to me that I only just met and I'm damn near 40! And all I could think was, "Damn I wish K & N could be here to feel what it's really like to be a part of a big family." Because I don't think they know.

One great-aunt, Tia Elsa, the elder Acosta (born to great-grandmother Cleotilde AKA Tilla) came right up to me and said (and I translate) "You're Mercedes' daughter, right? You look just like her! I'm your Aunt Elsa."
Shit, I won't lie. That felt good as all hell!
the photo is a lovely painting by Katie Gunther Novella; it's already sold but she has soooo many I'm lusting after; check her out online!
*this is part of a memoir I'm kinda sorta maybe writing about my family, due out in 2014. be ready!
Big families are awesome. I belong to two of them. While they come with their drama, I wouldn't take a damn thing for them as I'm sure you wouldn't for yours. Well, most of them anyway. LoL!
I second that emotion. Mom has six brothers and sisters, dad has three, step parents each have two. Add to that the village that it took to raise my sister and I swear we number in the millions. They drive me nuts and overwhelm me but I wouldn't change anything for the world.
By the way, that picture is absolutely beautiful .. the painted one and the one of you.
I tried to check out the link but it just sent me to a random Yahoo search site.
@smarty- we have enough drama for a lifetime of Telenovelas and I love every minute of it LOL
@Kelly- 1- I'm not in any of those pics! LMAO! The first one is Tia Aura, Mami & my 2nd cousin Vanessa, and the second one is Mami w/Tia Milkeya (I'm guessing on the spelling here); the running gag is that they're twins separated at birth by about 20yrs LOL.
2- I fixed the link so feel free to go visit the artist's coooool site :)
Ooops! Tee hee! That's what I get for looking at the pics on a teeny screen. From far away, you two ARE twins. Now that I'm looking on a bigger screen, I see that that's obviously not you. No disrespect to your mom but you do look much younger and fresh faced. Though, damn! I hope I look half as good as her as I cross the borders of 40 and beyond.
Coooool is an understatement. These are absolutely beautiful! If I had extra money to blow, I would have a hard time figuring out which one I liked the best. I love the combination of art and little wire figures.
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