I am back, after a very extended break, with the things that brought me joy while living my life semi-blogless:
1- Television Without Pity. Their snark gives me life!
2- Pandora. I hate the listening limits but the stations I've created are nothing short of amazing.
3- www.izatrini.com. I've become sort of obsessed with soca music. Fuck getting published! All I want for Christmas is a round trip ticket to T&T Carnival 2012!
4- Adele. Yo- why ain't nobody told me about this heffa before?! I've so needed to fill the void that Lily Allen and Amy Winehouse left in my music collection!
5- Books. I've been trying to read more. I've been semi-successful but it's been heavenly!
*smooches...glad to be back but gladder to have been away*
y'all are draining; we needed this time apart.