While shooting the shit in Nina’s kitchen last weekend, I finally got my answer when Mami divulged the story of my birth.
I already knew that Mami was not at home while pregnant with me, but rather at a home for young women in Bay Ridge (thank you, Catholic Charities!) after having been kicked out of her home for being pregnant in the first place. According to Mami.
And I already knew I was born about two weeks past my due date; Mami had to be induced (OUCH! Sorry Mamita!!) because her 8lb, long-ass, fully-formed baby was not in the mood to make an appearance on time.
What I didn’t know was that during my birth there were complications that required the doctors to react hurriedly- examining my mom, taking X-rays and hooking Baby Jaded up to some oxygen in vitro...
...because for some reason, my lazy-assed fetus self decided to take a nap in the birth canal.
YUP. You read that correctly.
After the fact, doctors showed my mom the X-rays and there I was, curled up, chillin’ like a villain. According to Mami.
I don’t know about you but that opened my eyes and really, my whole life makes so much more sense now!
Sleep... is my destiny...
*smooches...in the middle of a tasty birthday nap*
I'll still be accepting gifts well into June so don't fret if you forgot to get me something :)
LMAO! A nap?! Your ass took a NAP?! Lemme find out you were all, "This business of being born bores me. I shall have a nap!" And you just curled the fuck out?!
*dies of laughter*
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Free Rice.
Totally get the sleep thing. It's my defense mechanism. When things get tough, I get narcoleptic. It really is bliss.
Hope you have a great birthday and stay awake for it. Hee hee!
You know what - this does not surprise me one bit! It is totally like you to sleep during being born.
Happy birthday!!! We will celebrate really soon.
I just hollered laughing at this. I am so mad!
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