Friday, June 03, 2011

Truth Is...

I’m not too thrilled with me so chances are
I’ll never be happy with you

I don’t want to do all the work it will take
to get what I want

Flirting is fun, dating is tolerable,
relationships are a burden

That previous statement is why I’m still single
without that third & fourth baby I want

I’m never satisfied with my hair

I’m unapologetically racist

I could easily kill a person; I know it’s in me...
I've thought about it

I’m a good starter but a terrible finisher

Most days I’d rather have great sex
than find a great love

This cartoon was unknowingly
made for me

*smooches...wondering what some of your truths are*
if you feel like sharing, you know what to do...


The F_Uitlist said...

First step to a better you is acknowledging these things.

As for the hair, you must be mad! Your hair is beautiful! Beautiful I say!

Kelly said...

Well, some of your truths are mine ... especially that bit about flirting. I miss being a part of a duo, the support that I could have if I had a partner, the knowing that I'm loved and adored by someone. But all that work to get to that relationship?! The thought of it makes me tired and glad I'm single.

One of my truths? I'm honest with everyone but myself.

12kyle said...

I could easily kill a person; I know it’s in me...
I've thought about it

Somehow...I REALLY do believe you when you say that. LOL

Tiffany S. Jones said...

*Britney Murphy voice* "I'll never tell ..."