Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Save The Date: Five Year Jaded Blogiversary

I'm letting you know now so there are no excuses. If you're in NYC on September 15 I expect to see you at Franklin Park Bar and Beer Garden... OR ELSE!

I've never felt the need to celebrate the anniversary of my first blog post in the past because it seemed dorky, but can we all agree that FIVE YEARS in the game deserves, at the very least, a shot of Jameson straight to the gullet?

Get there by 7PM for a celebratory (NOT complimentary...y'all know I'm broke. Don't act brand new.) toast to the blog that has (hopefully) kept you entertained for the past five years.

RSVP today, sucka!! I may or may not have goody bags and prizes to raffle off. Allegedly. You'll never know unless you come out. Oh, and if you show up in a Jaded Tee or Tote there will definitely be a special treat for you. All others will be assed out! ::evil grin::

*smooches...looking forward to such an awesome milestone*
five years. YEOW! That's a lot of rants! lol


Don said...

Happy 5 year Blog Anniversary. Easily, one of the best blogs I've ever read.

Oh. The memories.

The Jaded NYer said...

NO! Save the congrats for September hasn't been five years yet. DON'T JINX IT!!!! lol

Unknown said...

wow thats the anniversary for us...