Thursday, August 18, 2011

This Is Why She's Called "Thug Boogie"

What other babies do YOU know pose like so?


*smooches...just for my baby girl today*
now everyone say happy birthday to N. Or she'll cut you!! lol


Kelly said...

LOVING the side-eye and sending best wishes to whoever's on the receiving end of that 'cause they're gonna need it. Hee hee!

Happy birthday to your cutie pie!

Going to hide now, before that eye roves my way.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to our girl! She's grown so much. Se's bright, is full of personality, and has loads of energy. Aww, to be that young again.

Tiffany S. Jones said...

Happy Birthday, N!

Potential caption:

"Say something else."

The F_Uitlist said...

Happy Birthday Lil Miss N!

Marielys said...

Haha! I love it sooo much. This is definitely one of those pics for which folks could make up some hilarious captions ;-)

Happy birthday to my right hand lil angel. It is amazing how similar we are and I am shocked at how quickly she has grown. But honestly, when she is over me giving piggy back rides, I will tap out of life. Yes, folks, I still give my now 11 year old 5'1" niece piggy back rides. Because she asks and is sooo adorable. HAHA