Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I'm Conceited. I Got A Reason.

Towards the end of the summer, one of my Twitter buds, Dash Harris, asked if I'd participate in a documentary she was putting together about Afro-Latinos and their identity issues. Yesterday she sent out a sneak peak of "Negro: A Docu-Series About Latino Identity" and there I was in all my curly-haired, dark-beigey, Brooklyn-accented glory.

In this episode I show up at the 20:00min mark,
but you should really watch the whole thing.

Yeah, I'm gassed. Especially because my "credit" says writer. HATE ON ME, HATERS!

Oh and if you're feeling generous and want to help fund Dash's project, click here.

*smooches...slowly conquering my fear of public speaking*
never in a million years did I think I'd agree to have my image immortalized in a film project where I'd have to speak words and shit. I blame Yoga! lol


Marielys said...

We're famous, and by "we" I mean the family because I already told you that all of our DR hometown will be watching us and claiming Raquelita is famous now :-)

The F_Uitlist said...

OOHHH SNAP you're famous girl.

Selah said...

Wow. The docu was amazing... I'm a Spanish teacher of Native Speakers in LA and this unit we're doing is on Afro Latinos -- I'm so gonna find time to work this into the rest of the unit. They'll love it; one, cuz it's interesting and two, cuz it's a "movie" during class time lol

Eb the Celeb said...

lolol congrats big head! I mean Jaded The Conceited Celeb LOL