While I was with her, Tia took me to La Romana and it was officially the most beautiful and pristine place I've ever seen in my life. I had fresh limeade- I always remember that- actually watched as this woman pulled limes off of a tree and made my drink, and ate a burger with GREEN tomatoes!
And there was a boy (isn't there always?) I was all of ten but I still had crushes. And he was so dreamy. He'd walk around in shorts, no shirt and a small portable Casio keyboard that he'd play random tunes on. Oh how I wanted to be his muse! Once, my cousins and I went to this place that I suppose was some sort of swimming hole, I can't really remember it well, but he was there playing a tune on his Casio, at least that's how my memories are recalling it, and I was so at peace with my life at that moment. I remember that feeling and reach for it often.
At my Acosta Family Compound I experienced a whole other style of living- more pretension that I had expected, but still fun (despite the armed guards, chaperones, thieving maids and visible firearms all over the place). I was taken to a salon for my first relaxer (against my mother's wishes!), played jacks in the road, went to a discotheque (at age ten, BITCHES!), went shopping at fancy boutiques and watched as a local artisan made me the most adorable ceramic poodle. It was definitely a life I could have become accustomed to. Well, except for having to grab chickens out of the yard for slaughtering. That I can live my entire life without ever seeing again, EVER.
I then went to stay with my Tia CruzDelia and visit with my Ortiz family. Again, a whole different style of life. Tia lived in a shack with a tin roof, a latrine out back and just the dirt ground for a floor. But I was ten so of course I had the time of my life at her house, too. I also noticed that my cousins were wearing a lot of clothes that looked familiar- my hand-me-downs that I'd seen Mami pack in a suitcase and ship down earlier that year. I knew that in Brooklyn we were poor, but the fact that my relatives on the Island were waiting anxiously for my cast-offs (perfectly good clothes that I just decided I no longer wanted, like a spoiled diva) made me grateful for what I had back home.
SIDE NOTE: years later Tia CruzDelia came to visit us in Brooklyn and apologized to me for the conditions of her home after seeing my room. "Tu vives como una princesa y yo te tenia en ese sucio!" I felt so embarrassed at ever complaining about not having stuff. I did live like a princess and I felt bad that Tia felt bad, and can only hope I didn't act like a brat in her home. I really did have fun with her and the new cousins I discovered that I never knew about. And Tia CruzDelia looked just like Grandma so just being around her made me feel at home.
On the flight home, back when American Airlines fed you real food, I had my fist taste of pancakes wrapped around a sausage link and realized the two were meant to be together always. I was also introduced to the uniquely Dominican tradition of applauding after every safe landing. That trip improved my Spanish, my bond to my entire family, my appreciation for what I had at home and made me feel this connection that wasn't there before. These were my people. This was where we came from. This is where it began. Even though I wasn't born there I felt as if I were HOME.
I cried when I had to come back to New York. I wanted to stay there forever.
Visit La Romana and even though it's probably all built up now, it might give you a small taste of what it was like to have grown up like me.
Wonderful, beautiful, Dominican me.
*besos...with a sudden urge to call my Tias*
amazing how life makes you forget who and what is really important sometimes. I miss my family- and how close we used to be- a lot.
Loving these posts. I feel like I'm learning a lot. Now, if I can learn to roll my R's and figure out if I'm pronouncing some of this stuff right ...
Practice makes perfect
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