Monday, July 02, 2012

I Was That Kid Who...

...looked menacing but was not a fighter in any way one knew lived in the neighborhood because I was never outside

...watched everything happen from the window

...preferred a book over a bike

...looked 18 when I was only 12

...wasn't rich but had everything

...hobnobbed with celebrities, unphased by their stardom

...had a best friend named Television

...never had to try hard to earn good grades

...could eat three servings at dinner and never gain an ounce...

...and then grew up to be an amazing writer.

What kind of kid were you?

*smooches...reliving memories as I watch my kids grow up*
I wonder how they will remember their childhood?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Seriously, Jaded. Some of the things that come out of your mouth make me wonder if we were separated at birth.

I watched everything happen from a tree, where I usually sat reading a book.

I still watch a lot that happens from the window.

Prefer a book over, well, practically everything.

I looked (and sounded) 12 when I was 18. Thankfully that looking/sounding too young has stuck, since I'm almost 40. Unfortunately, I'm still judged like I'm a young whipper snapper.

Was never monetarily rich, but my wealth has always abounded in crazy friends, insane family, and a firm belief that I lead a blessed life.

Never tried hard to earn good grades because I've been a proud nerd since youth.

Could eat a whole frozen pizza as a snack between school getting out and dinner. Now, the very thought just added five pounds. Damn!

Grew up to be ... a loud mouthed, opinionated, geeky nerdy girl who likes to think she's a contradiction in terms and not easily pigeonholed. Also still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

Oh, and hoping to make it back into town for a certain amazing writer's reading/signing because I need an autograph.