Monday, September 24, 2012

Crossed Off The List: Attend An Opera

After hearing so much buzz about Audra McDonald in Porgy and Bess (and getting discounted tickets through work), I decided to take in an afternoon of booze and culture with my homies on Saturday.

My lovelies, I wish someone had told me it was an opera because I would have picked a different show. I wasn't prepared for all this:

What the hell? I didn't expect to be yelled at, and I really didn't appreciate every bit of dialogue being sung. I need real conversations. And regular singing. I mean, it was good if you like that sort of thing. It's just not my cup of tea, I suppose, but at least I've crossed OPERA off of my list of 50 Things To Do This Year.

I will say, though, that the scene where Audra sang "I Loves You Porgy" did move me; she is a very talented actress and that song has always had a special place in my heart. I may or may not have allegedly gotten a little choked up at that part, mostly because versions of this tune by Nina Simone and Billie Holiday were so passionate. Seeing the events leading up to the song really put the puzzle together for me and it was truly moving.

As a treat, here are the Simone and Holiday versions:

Amazing, right???

Also, why didn't anyone tell me my girl Christina covered this tune? WHAT? I loved it!

AND, let's not forget my dear sweet love Janis Joplin's cover of "Summertime"

Ella's was good, too, but I fall into a trance whenever I hear those electric guitars in Joplin's version.

The best part about this outing (besides seeing The F$%k-It List's little baby bump and catching up with Eb and her breasts) was that afterward I added a ton of Billie Holiday songs to my Spotify account and grooved to it. I'd almost forgotten how much her voice soothes me.

Operas? Not so much.

How was your Saturday?

*smooches...getting ready to slow it down for the winter*
I see a lot of days spent under blankets in my future; ain't nobody got time for this cold weather!


Kelly said...

Good for you and you're a braver woman than me. Opera makes me. so. angry ... back up because I will punch whatever is in my way angry.

I don't know why.

Love love love Nina Simone. Got a four disc anthology a couple of holidays ago and just ate it up.

Saturday? I was tramping through the forests of main learning about the incipient stages of paper making, watching a controlled and ecologically sustainable cutting of trees by super cool monster machines.

The Jaded NYer said...

kelly- that sounds so cool! Is that a regular tourist thing? I'd love to see how paper is made!

Kelly said...

This was actually for work though, now that you ask, I wonder if they do do things for tourists as well. The place was packed with old people visiting the area for leaf peeping but the town's major source of work is the mill so you'd think they'd give tours to bring in extra income.