Friday, December 07, 2012

Carnival Is A-Comin'...

It's been a few years now since I was introduced to Trinidadian soca fetin' complete with jumping and waving and winin' my waist, and I must admit it's still my number one obsession. Don't ask me about the latest salsa or merengue hits, because I don't know. But the 2013 carnival season soca songs? I'M ON IT!

Here are some I'm enjoying to get you pumped up for all the parties next year (culminating on the Parkway in the fall, which I might do again):

(This is the same riddim as Machel's song I think; the producers behind the Precision Productions are like soca geniuses or something!)

See ya in these soca streets!

*smooches...deciding that soca music cures all ills*
I think that's why I'm so drawn to it; it counteracts my depression

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