Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday Ramblings

At first I was going to title this post Monday Musings, but I didn't want to get you all excited about my former, awesome Blog Talk Radio show that you never listened to. This is not that. This post is simply a sampling of the random thoughts I have today.

>I had an appointment with my ENT this morning who basically informed me that I'm a fat, greedy pig who needs to stop night-eating or I will continue to fuck up my throat via acid reflux. OK, then. Message received. At least it's not the throat cancer WebMD told me I thought I had.

>For three years I've been hosting literary readings throughout the City, scrambling to find venues and participants and an audience. Yesterday morning I woke up with a "why do I bother!" mentality because really, we don't get the support we deserve. And then whattaya know- people showed up! Like, LOTS OF PEOPLE. It was standing room only in the bookstore and I was all verklempt. I guess THAT'S WHY I bother.

>Every time I end a relationship I do a post-mortem in my head. Where did I fuck up? Where did he fuck up? Where did WE fuck up? It's all a learning process, I know. I get it. But you know what? I hate starting over. It feels like so much failure. I'm starting to wonder if being single forever is really that bad...

>I've decided not to move out of my apartment until A) Al-Qaeda evicts me; B) the Feds take over the dwelling as evidence in an anti-terror investigation; or C) I'm ready to buy my Brooklyn brownstone or condo. My apartment is small, drafty in the winter and scorching in the summer, my neighbor Jeff is RUDE and the pipes are constantly getting clogged up. But it's mine. I'm comfortable there. And leaving just for the sake of leaving (or having more room to entertain when I don't even LIKE people) is dumb.

>I've discovered Coursera ("a social entrepreneurship company that partners with the top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free"). So far, I've signed up for six classes. I can already see this getting out of control... someone please come and take my internet away?!

*smooches...gearing up for a crazy-busy week*
what's on your mind today?


Anonymous said...

Wha? Free courses...I'm so there!!!

Betty Roberts said...

Lmao! You're a courses going to check it out