Friday, March 15, 2013

From Simple Things The Best Things Begin

This week's inspirational post is courtesy of Cathi and Mike's wedding day. And it couldn't have come at a better time, seeing as I just admitted that my latest +1 attempt failed, yet again, and I was seriously on the verge of letting that ruin my anticipation of this St. Patrick's Day wedding.

If you knew Cathi and everything she's been through and continues to struggle with, you'd understand why her nuptials inspire me, and why her and Mike's love encouraged me to not settle for less and not give up on finding real happiness.

The happy couple

I met Cathi when I wasn't really looking for more friends; she met Mike when she wasn't really looking for anything serious. It is absolutely true you get everything you need when you're supposed to get it, not when you demand it from the Universe. And now here we are, 20 years into our friendship, getting ready to put on makeup, fancy dresses and high heels so she can begin her new life with her new husband. Happy endings really happen. Don't ever give up, folks, ever.

Congratulations to one of my dearest friends and her special beau, who managed to fit into our lives your life seamlessly. I wish you so many wonderful years of wedded bliss.

Oh and PS, Mike: you hurt her, you die. It's that simple. #ThugLife

*smooches...willingly witnessing love*
and I won't even bring up the fact that she was MY FIANCE FIRST. I really won't...

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