Friday, March 21, 2025

I Did a Crazy Thing

So we've established that I love to cook, right? Well, I saw this random competition for aspiring chefs and thought, why note? It's one of those popularity contest type of competitions where you ask people to vote for you, and the most votes win. Yes, I signed up at like three in the morning when I should have been asleep. Shut up.

I kind of want to win.

The prize is $25,000, and some other stuff that I can't remember, but this would be a great chunk of money to use for culinary school, traveling abroad to learn more international cuisine, or even to open a little food stall at a farmer's market. Possibilities abound. It's not a ton of money but it'll do; I'm not trying to open a restaurant, I just want to make good food that brings joy.

Voting opens March 31st. DO NOT LET ME DOWN. A vote for me is a vote for delicious meals when I invite you over to celebrate my win! Vote more than once and I'll come to your house to cook for you. Vote ten or more times and, I don't know, maybe I come a meal prep for you, enough to last you a month. Again, POSSIBILITIES ABOUND.

I'm not sure if I should be offering incentives, of if you can vote more than once, but seeing as only 10 of y'all are on my mailing list, and I know you in real life, what could it hurt?????

Tell all your friends! And if I've ever cooked for you, I encourage you to leave a comment and let the people know what I'm bringing to the table 😋

Love & (Meat)Balls,
a mí me gusta el chivo con vino
y el pescao con jugo de limón
con pimienta y orégano el lechón
y el arroz con jamón y tocino
para ponerle sabor a un buen fiestón

1 comment:

The F_Uitlist said...

Firrssstttt. Okay I promise that is now fully out of my system. I have my calendar on go for voting. And have a Michael post ready for FB.